- During gameplay access your console (default key is the ~ button).
- Now enter sv_gravity and a number between (-999-999999)
Counter-Strike Cheat: Auto-Reload
This code must also be entered from the Host Computer. Hit the ~ (by default).
Enter: +reload
This codes works, but it's slightly annoying. After every shot you will reload. If you get sick of it, enter this code: -reload
This will disable auto-reload.
Counter-Strike Cheat: Set the C4 Timer
This code must also be entered from the Host Computer. Hit the ~ (by default). Enter: Mp_c4timer (enter a # between –1000 and 1000) –1000 will be a very short timer, and 1000 is a long timer.
Counter-Strike Cheat: Faster Movement
These codes must be entered from the Host Computer. Hit the ~ (by default) to access the game console.
- Fast forward: cl_forwardspeed (enter # between 0 and 999)
- Fast backward: cl_backwardspeed (enter # between 0 and 999)
- Fast strafe: cl_sidespeed (enter # between 0 and 999)
Counter-Strike Cheat: Level Select
This code must also be entered from the Host Computer. Hit the ~ (by default). Enter: Changelevel (map name)
Counter-Strike Cheat: Client trace
- On the host comp, enter: sv_clienttrace 999999999.
- Every shot will surely hit. The default is 1
Counter-Strike Cheat List
Access the console by pressing "`"
- Enables cheats: sv_cheats 1
- Bots only buy snipers: bot_sniper_only
- Bots only use knives: bot_knives_only 1
- All Deleted Scenes: cl_levellocks 16382
- Enemies don’t see you: notarget
- Go through walls: noclip
- Invincibility: god
- Kills all bots: bot_kill
- Make bot go to specific locations: bot_goto_mark
- Bots don’t move: bot_zombie 1
- Set the bot´s difficulty level: bot_difficulty
- Bots will only buy pistols: bot_pistols_only
- Restart the map without losing any goals: restart
Counter-Strike Cheat: Auto Aim
Automatically aims at your enemies by using the right click abilities of your gun: sv_aim
Counter-Strike Cheat: Bind Costumes
This code can also not be entered from the Host Computer. Hit the ~ (by default)
- bind w "+forward;model sas"
- bind d "+moveright;model gig-n"
- bind a "+moveleft;model l337"
- bind s "+back;model arctic"
- bind uparrow "+forward;model vip"
- bind rightarrow "+moveright;model sciencetist"
- bind leftarrow "+moveleft;model gorila"
- bind downarrow "+back;model sas"